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How to change wifi password?

March 20, 2023

How to change your WiFi password in 10 steps

Connect your computer or mobile device to your WiFi network.

Open a web browser and enter your router’s IP address in the address bar. This IP address is usually printed on the bottom or back of your router, or you can find it by searching online for your router model’s default IP address.

Enter your router’s login credentials. These are usually also printed on the bottom or back of your router, or you can find them by searching online for your router model’s default login credentials.

Once you’re logged in to your router’s settings page, look for a menu option called “Wireless” or “WiFi” or “Security”. Click on it.

Look for a sub-menu option called “Security” or “Encryption” or “Password”. Click on it.

Find the field labeled “Passphrase” or “Pre-Shared Key” or “Password” and enter your new password.

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Make sure your new password is strong and secure. Use a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols.

If there is a “Save” or “Apply” button, click on it to save your changes.

Wait for your router to reboot or refresh its settings. This may take a few minutes.

Reconnect your devices to your WiFi network using your new password.

Foto de Praveen kumar Mathivanan en Unsplash