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Warmups in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) play a dynamic role in preparing players for the upcoming match.

Not only do they provide an opportunity for gamers to adjust to the game setting, but they also offer a chance to fine-tune weapons, test server settings, communicate plans with teammates or simply get into the groove of the game. However, knowing how to end this warmup session correctly can enhance your overall gaming experience. Let’s delve into the process.

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Understanding Warmups in CS:GO

In CS:GO, warmups are pre-match sessions where players can practice their shots, test weapons, and rev up for the actual game. However, ending these phases effectively can be crucial. Not ending the warmup session properly can often result in chaotic situations, disrupting the flow of the game.


The primary purpose of the warmup is to prepare. Yet, it also provides a buffer, enabling all players to properly connect to the server before the match commences. One might argue that warmups can take up valuable gaming time, but their impact on gameplay is undeniable. Without this session, gamers might find themselves disoriented or underprepared when the match begins.

How to Initiate a Warmup in CS:GO?

Initiating a warmup in CS:GO can be done with specific commands in the console. Opening the console can be done by pressing the “~” key. However, the console needs to be enabled first. To do so, go to the game settings, select ‘Game’, choose ‘Enable Developer Console’ and set it to ‘Yes’.


To set the length of the Warmup session, the command “mp_warmuptime” is used. For example, entering “mp_warmuptime 60” in the console sets the Warmup time for one minute. It’s important to provide time that allows enough room for players to connect and adjust as per their gameplay strategies.

The Importance of Ending Warmup in CS:GO

Ending the warmup in CS:GO is just as important as starting it. Streamlining the switch from warmup to game mode prevents players from being caught unprepared when the match starts. By correctly ending the warmup, gamers are granted a smooth transition into the match, fostering a fair and enjoyable competition.

Warmups can disrupt the match if they’re allowed to overrun, due to the need to calibrate game settings immediately. Not to mention the potential loss of competitive edge holding back from the real match could cause. Therefore, understanding when, why, and how to execute an end command to these sessions becomes an essential part of the game.

Commands to End Warmup in CS:GO

Similarly to initiating a warmup, ending it also requires the use of specific commands. One most commonly used is “mp_warmup_end”. Simply type this command into the console and press enter – it will instantly finish the warmup, and the match will commence.

However, be mindful that certain commands are only executable if the player has appropriate administrative privileges. And it’s also important to note that, while being highly useful, incorrectly implemented commands can cause unintended consequences, like match disruptions or errors. So, always double-check before use and understand its purpose.

Common Issues While Ending Warmup in CS:GO

Warmups in CS:GO, while useful, can sometimes be tricky. Players may experience issues such as non-responsive game functions or technical glitches that prevent the warmup from ending, despite entering the correct command. Also, someone might encounter difficulties if they don’t have the adequate administrative privileges to run the command.

When facing these challenges, consider seeking help or advice from the gaming community. Alternatively, try to troubleshoot by restarting the match, re-entering the command or verifying the integrity of your game files through your Steam client.