The governor of New York who resigned due to a prostitution scandal is Eliot Spitzer.
In 2008, it was revealed that Spitzer, who was serving as the governor of New York at the time, had been a regular client of a high-end prostitution ring. The revelation came as a shock to many, as Spitzer had built a reputation as a crusader against corruption during his time as New York’s attorney general.
The scandal quickly gained national attention, and there were calls for Spitzer to resign from both Democrats and Republicans. In a press conference on March 12, 2008, Spitzer announced that he would be stepping down as governor, effective just a few days later.
In his resignation speech, Spitzer apologized to his family and the people of New York for his “private failings.” He also expressed regret for letting down the people who had placed their trust in him.
Spitzer’s resignation was a major political event, and it highlighted the dangers of political hubris and the potentially disastrous consequences of personal misconduct.

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