Latitude refers to a location’s distance from the equator, measured in degrees north or south of it.
The amount of sunlight an area receives is strongly influenced by its latitude.
Areas near the equator receive more direct sunlight throughout the year, leading to a hotter and more humid climate.
As you move away from the equator and towards the poles, the angle of the sunlight hitting the Earth’s surface becomes more oblique, resulting in cooler temperatures.
The seasons also play a role in how latitude affects climate. At higher latitudes, the tilt of the Earth’s axis causes more extreme seasonal temperature changes.
At the equator, there are no distinct seasons, while at the poles there are periods of continuous daylight and darkness.
Climate patterns such as trade winds, ocean currents, and prevailing winds are also influenced by latitude.
Areas near the equator experience more rain due to high levels of evaporation and moisture in the atmosphere, while areas at higher latitudes experience less rainfall.
Climate zones are defined based on latitude, with the tropics, temperate zones, and polar regions being the three main categories.
Human activities, such as deforestation and greenhouse gas emissions, can also impact the climate in different latitudes, leading to changes in temperature and precipitation patterns.

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