Following the incident, Beatriz Muller, the wife of President Lopez Obrador, expressed solidarity with Minister Piña and all women in politics who have been subjected to similar attacks:
Simpatizantes del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador quemaron una figura de la ministra presidenta de la Corte, Norma Piña, al término de su discurso por la conmemoración de la nacionalización del petróleo en el Zócalo de la capital.
Vía @sarapablo1
— Azucena Uresti (@azucenau) March 19, 2023
Muller stated that she had also experienced similar attacks in the past and that it was important to “raise the level” and promote non-violence and love:
No convertir la libertad en libertinaje es clave para vivir y convivir en un país plural y democrático como el nuestro. Mi apoyo a todas las mujeres de la política (o circunstancialmente cerca de esta) ante la vejación a sus personas o imagen, o la de sus hijos. Lo he padecido…
— Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller (@BeatrizGMuller) March 19, 2023
She called on her fellow citizens to refrain from turning their freedom into license and to strive for a pluralistic and democratic society.
Other political figures, including members of the Senate, also spoke out against the attack on Piña and condemned violence against women in politics.
The burning of the statue has also raised concerns about the state of democracy and freedom of expression in Mexico, particularly in light of recent attacks on womans, journalists and human rights defenders.