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Posible desalojo de #OccupyWallstreet. Alerta

De acuerdo a un comunicado de Avaaz, se alerta de un  posible desalojo de la acampada en el Parque Zuccotti en Wall Street.

Urgente – mañana a las 7 de la mañana de la policía de Nueva York planes desalojar a los manifestantes de Occupy Wall Street

El sitio convocan a una protesta y a saturar con llamadas telefónicas a las oficinas de Michael Bloomberg y de la firma Brookfield


Urgent — tomorrow at 7 am, the New York City police plan to evict the Occupy Wall Street protesters.

The only way to stop the eviction is a roaring outcry to New York’s billionaire mayor, Mike Bloomberg, and to the owners of the protest park. We must show them that their global reputations are on the line.

Let’s flood their offices with phone calls! Avaaz will tell the media about the numbers of calls made, multiplying their impact on the public image of Bloomberg and Richard B. Clark — the CEO of the company that owns the park. If enough of us call now, we could turn the tide and stop the eviction–but only hours are left!

Who to call:

New York mayor Michael Bloomberg: +1-212-772-1081 ext 12006

Brookfield CEO Richard Clark: +1-212-417-7063

Brookfield US headquarters: +1-212-417-7000

Brookfield Canada headquarters: +1-416-369-2300

Brookfield Australia headquarters: +61-2-9322-2000

After calling, post a message about what happened — to help Avaaz count the number of calls made, and demonstrate the wave of worldwide support for the protesters.

Suggestions for your call:

Say that you have a message for Brookfield CEO Richard Clark or NYC Mayor Bloomberg (depending on who you are calling)

Stop the eviction of Zuccotti Park

We have a constitutional right to protest.

This is one of the biggest shows of public outrage in decades and these people represent hundreds of thousands across the world who stand with the protesters and the movement for real democracy.

The protesters are cleaning up the park, keeping it clean and safe

Call now and help spread the word!